Friday, October 22, 2021

Aimee Byrd gives up on reform within the OPC

Aimee says it better than I could:

I reached out to Aimee when the actions of OPC ministers and the Geneva Commons came to light. My encouragement was simply that she listen to what God had to say and not dwell on what conclusions others would draw from her choices. Some would counsel her to say and some to leave, and, of course, whatever path she chose would generate the same sort of support or antagonism.

It seems like she has wisely chosen an approach, and she has recognized the treatment of the higher courts (not her local church or session) as spiritually abusive. I believe her tenacity and candor have exposed the OPC courts for what they are - as I said, not a bunch of country bumpkins trying to do the right thing with limited understanding, but people who will abuse others in the name of their theological sacred cows. It's troubling that the sacred cow of many in the OPC is patriarchy. It mirrors the case of Dr. Hemphill as well, where justice and due process were jettisoned in the name of preserving the patriarchal system.

I pray that she gets the time and space to heal.

I've appreciate her writings and her perspective. I was thankful for the brief time she used her platform to call out the patriarchal and authoritarian abuse prevalent in the OPC. I find it disturbing that her position is well within the bounds of OPC doctrine, yet the higher courts did nothing those who persecuted her for not being narrowly complementarian and patriarchal like they were. These men and women of Geneva Commons openly ridiculed her. They were allowed to openly call her a wolf (insubordination), despite the fact that she was a member in good standing of the OPC.

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