Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Stephen Rhoda resigns Terre Haute: What? They wanted a pastor?

Terre Haute and the GLG Ad Interim Commission accepted the resignation of Stephen Rhoda. I believe this is another case of the RPCNA applying excessive grace to their ordained leadership. This is a case of resign and we'll do our best to suppress your faults.

The resignation letter is a work of art in damage control, minimization and blame shifting. Basically, he absolves himself of nearly all responsibility due to the unyielding demands of his family and church.

But, the sentence that got me was this one: 

I don’t mean to make excuses for my failures, but I never thought that a majority of the congregation would need special ministry beyond sitting under the preaching of the Word.

Take a few minutes for that to sink in. Terre Haute called a pastor, not a motivational speaker. Rhoda seems upset that he was asked to "minister" to the congregation as a minister of the Word. Reminds me of a Reformed author (maybe Paul Tripp?) who taught a class in seminary on pastoral ministry because so many students assumed that ministry was just coming up with a sermon every week for doting congregants. His analogy was someone becoming a doctor in a hospital, finally throwing up his hands in frustration, saying "Sick People!! Why am I surrounded by sick people all the time?!"

A note to Mary Rhoda. Whether your marriage can be saved is probably not in your hands. I would reject the GLG's encouragement for "counseling". Counseling is important, but calling ACBC or CCEF practitioners "counselors" is a disservice to those who have gone through the training and licensure, and especially, have agreed to have their licenses revoked for ethical violations.

The number of times I've heard of ACBC counselors gossiping about what should be confidential and legally protected information makes me think that many people attracted to this counseling just want to hear everyone's "dirt" for their own self-gratification.

I would recommend you find a licensed, legally ethically bound counselor to do your own healing first and understanding what you need in a relationship before trying to repair the broken marriage. Based on Stephen's own words, couples counseling will just be a way for him to continue to blame shift and justify his own actions, and you'll be at the mercy of whatever counselor you both agree to as to whether you will be heard or dismissed. If it's an ACBC or CCEF counselor, the leaver (i.e. the person being truthful that the marriage is broken) will be gaslit back into the falsehood of a broken marriage.