I have the utmost respect for highly capable women who are finding their way within the bounds of complementarian/patriarchal churches.
Aimee Byrd's callout: https://aimeebyrd.com/2020/06/19/genevan-commons-and-the-qualifications-for-church-office/
Christianity Today writeup: https://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2020/june/complementarians-closed-rooms-aimee-byrd-beth-moore.html
Commentary on the announcement of her new book:

- seriously, this is just vile

- PCA Pastor
Inappropriate lampooning of another book by Ms. Byrd

^ OPC church planter

[Doesn't he seem to be acknowledging that this is inappropriate?] - Ruling Elder, OPC
Commentary on the actual cover photo:

- Associate Pastor PCA
more vileness
Comments about her press photo:

Conspiring to drum up official church trouble:

Kevin Medcalf, Jim Stevenson - OPC Pastors
More vile slurs (This is about Rachel Green Miller):

Steven Carr - Pastor RCUS

Note that the real fear seems to creep in "honored pastors" - the concern here is that Aimee's critique of misogynistic and patriarchal preaching in conservative denominations will somehow free women of their patriarchal manipulation and control. More comments about her look. More smears against women (sandwich + eisegesis).
Now the hard questions... The CRC was kicked out of NAPARC because of their egalitarian views. I think we should be pretty confident that the OPC and PCA will not act against these pastors and elders. What does it say for the sister denominations in NAPARC to hold full fellowship with a denomination whose leaders display such vile behavior.
Remember, Byrd is complementarian. What these pastors are saying is far beyond complementarianism and is much more akin to patriarchy and subjugation. These themes come out:
I hope this comes up front and center in church searches. Someone who wants to know the character of the OPC or PCA should find these comments - and know what to expect.
It would be something else if these were ordinary members in the OPC/PCA, but these are men who are seminary-trained, examined by their churches and denominations and found to be exemplary, and chosen by their congregations. These men TRULY REPRESENT the OPC and PCA denominations, and that is scary!
- Beth Moore is a member in the SBC and has repeatedly affirmed the SBC complementarian stance and reminded detractors that her mission is specifically to Christian women. Yet, the comp/patriarchal leadership in her denomination and elsewhere continues to undermine her platform and message.
- Rachael Denhollander is also a member of a complementarian denomination. She has publicly stated that pastors and church leaders are cordial to her face, but backbiting behind closed doors.
- Aimee Byrd is a member of the OPC. She has the full support of her pastor and elders. Yet, again, behind closed doors in a private Facebook group, OPC and NAPARC pastors, elders and members are engaged in disrespectful and inappropriate behavior.
Aimee Byrd's callout: https://aimeebyrd.com/2020/06/19/genevan-commons-and-the-qualifications-for-church-office/
Christianity Today writeup: https://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2020/june/complementarians-closed-rooms-aimee-byrd-beth-moore.html
Commentary on the announcement of her new book:

- seriously, this is just vile

- PCA Pastor
Inappropriate lampooning of another book by Ms. Byrd

^ OPC church planter

[Doesn't he seem to be acknowledging that this is inappropriate?] - Ruling Elder, OPC
Commentary on the actual cover photo:

- Associate Pastor PCA

more vileness
Comments about her press photo:

Conspiring to drum up official church trouble:

Kevin Medcalf, Jim Stevenson - OPC Pastors
More vile slurs (This is about Rachel Green Miller):

Steven Carr - Pastor RCUS

Note that the real fear seems to creep in "honored pastors" - the concern here is that Aimee's critique of misogynistic and patriarchal preaching in conservative denominations will somehow free women of their patriarchal manipulation and control. More comments about her look. More smears against women (sandwich + eisegesis).
Now the hard questions... The CRC was kicked out of NAPARC because of their egalitarian views. I think we should be pretty confident that the OPC and PCA will not act against these pastors and elders. What does it say for the sister denominations in NAPARC to hold full fellowship with a denomination whose leaders display such vile behavior.
Remember, Byrd is complementarian. What these pastors are saying is far beyond complementarianism and is much more akin to patriarchy and subjugation. These themes come out:
- Byrd's husband should be shutting her up
- Her session should be shutting her up
- She should go back to being a housewife and "sandwich maker"
- [Not imaged, but in the blog] Women should not be educated
- It's not okay to call these men's teaching into question
I hope this comes up front and center in church searches. Someone who wants to know the character of the OPC or PCA should find these comments - and know what to expect.
It would be something else if these were ordinary members in the OPC/PCA, but these are men who are seminary-trained, examined by their churches and denominations and found to be exemplary, and chosen by their congregations. These men TRULY REPRESENT the OPC and PCA denominations, and that is scary!